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[PHOTO] SKARF + D-Unit on Jung Sunhee’s “A Night Like Tonight” radio

22 Sep

 [PIC] Sol, Tasha, D-Unit &amp; Jung Sunhee on “A Night Like Tonight” radio</p>
<p>Source: + skarf_intl<br />
*please remove with full credits …

120910 Jung SunHee’s OB The 띄워주세요 Skarf & D-UNIT

22 Sep



[VIDEO/RADIO] JungYub’s PB with Skarf

18 Sep

[PHOTOS/RADIO/TRANS] Skarf @ Jung Yeob’s Blue Night

14 Sep
30 minutes before broadcast starts, the  girls are reading the scripts diligently!

The scripts are tough! Asking each other over and over again!

Before the broadcast starts!

Appearance aroused sangkeum!

While waiting for a song to end

Our cute girl are busy taking a picture ㅠ ㅠ

All the members should take ~

Together V ^ 0 ^ v

Solo photos for each member!

Receives up to junior high school alumni cheering,

Strengthens the ALCS

‘Jenny’ , our charming maknae

Goddess Force School!


Irrelevant and sunny



Sassy ~ articulate ‘Sol’

So, you girl are

‘ SKARF ‘  ^ _ ^

Jung Yeob best ~!

Scarf best ~!

Finish together with “Oh Dance!” 


[RADIO] 120902 Shindong’s SSTP 신인의 품격 Skarf & C-Clown

9 Sep



Via: _AlphaEnt